JMS Topic Queue high avaibalily using durable and persistance feauture in Oracle SOA OSB
JMS is used for improving the performance of the overall system and reliability of the system.
JMS Queue:
FIFO - First Msg will be Fetched First from Queue
Two import aspect of JMS Queu are
1. What will happen to the jms message when JMS server is down?
2. What will happen when the client which need to receive the message is down?
If we make the message as persistance then both above problem will be solved ie., msg will be persisten in the DB hence msg will be always be avaiable till its consumed by the client.
Persistance of the msg in the queue can be achieved by enabling the "Enable Message Persistance" of business service under JMS TRansport Tab. Screenshot is shown below
JMS Topic -
Producer and N number of subscriber is the concept of JMS Topic.
Oracle SOA Reading the message from Topic:
Oracle SOA Reading the message from Topic:
Consider there are two subscriber for a topic. If one subscriber read the message and another subscript server is down then it will not be receiving the message any more! But this behaviour can be avoided by means using the Durable subscriber. Ie., message will be present in the topic till durable subscriber consumed that message. To make the subscriber durable we need to enable the durable checkbox in proxsy service. Screenshot is given below.
JMS is used for improving the performance of the overall system and reliability of the system.
JMS Queue:
FIFO - First Msg will be Fetched First from Queue
Two import aspect of JMS Queu are
1. What will happen to the jms message when JMS server is down?
2. What will happen when the client which need to receive the message is down?
If we make the message as persistance then both above problem will be solved ie., msg will be persisten in the DB hence msg will be always be avaiable till its consumed by the client.
Persistance of the msg in the queue can be achieved by enabling the "Enable Message Persistance" of business service under JMS TRansport Tab. Screenshot is shown below
JMS Topic -
Producer and N number of subscriber is the concept of JMS Topic.
Oracle SOA Reading the message from Topic:
We can make the message persisted in the DB by persisting the msg in the topic. Persistance can be achieved by enabling the "Enable Message Persistence" of business service under JMS TRansport Tab. Screenshot is shown below
Oracle SOA Reading the message from Topic:
Consider there are two subscriber for a topic. If one subscriber read the message and another subscript server is down then it will not be receiving the message any more! But this behaviour can be avoided by means using the Durable subscriber. Ie., message will be present in the topic till durable subscriber consumed that message. To make the subscriber durable we need to enable the durable checkbox in proxsy service. Screenshot is given below.