Friday, September 12, 2014

Steps to Invoke Asynchronous webservice from Oracle SOA

In earlier post we have seen how to create Asynch Webservice(BPEL Process) and test this Asynch service using SOAP UI.

In this post we will see how to call the Asynch Webservice(BPEL Process) within the SOA.

Here we invoke the Asynch service as syncronus webservice and only difference is we need to set the "replyToAddress".

replyToAddress = Callback URL.

Step 1. Create a Asynchronous webservice - link for reference

Step 2. Create a webservice for the client call back.
               * This service is required to be created in client end such that Asynch service which is                              created in            step 1 can replyback to the client.
               * This service should be created based on the schema of callback port of asych webservice.

Step 3: a. Create a new BPEL service which invokes the Asynchronous webservice created in step 1
            b. Set the invoke property replyToAddress to the wsdl address of client webservice ie.,                             created in Step2

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